Friday, February 28, 2014

First Year of Cadet

1. First Day
It was my very first day of the cadet ship.  No one knows what happens next. Once my parents leave the Academy few military officers show us where is the accommodation. It was large hall consisting with beds, cupboards, racks and one bathroom. My intake strength was 140, it was pretty large number when comparing with senior intakes. Condition of the accommodation was very attractive, polished floor and peo white beds are remind our homes. We brought  all our stuff to the living area. It was consisting with heavy equipment which mentioned in the early meetings. 

The time was around 11.00 am no phones no friends everything has to start from the beginning like a new born. No one spoke no one smiled every body stuck where they were. Military other rankers are came time to time and checked whether everything is alright. One of them called us for lunch it was around 12.00 pm as per my memory. Lunch was small sweet one. We thought every day will pass like that but we did not know it's only for today.